Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are all wasting your time on this AA, A, B nonsense. Did any of you see the recent 2023 player rankings? 13 of top 16 kids were hold backs. Only 4 of top 50 from Long Island. Less than 10%. None if this matters anymore. Your kid better be a unicorn and older to go top D1.
2025 programs now trying to sell teams as recruiting services. Nobody but LILJ is ranking or looking at 2025's seriously. Gone are the days of team ball everyone has a look at me attitude. Transfers, the portal and holdbacks have done their damage. Your 18 year old senior will not be playing D1.

13 out of 16 are holdbacks? Wow, and you wonder why so much complaining about the holdback situation.

It’s real , and it’s an unfair advantage. LAX is Becoming a Sport for the kids who can afford privates and choose to stay back. SAd, and US Lacrosse should seriously take notice. Youth lacrosse should be “on age” . Don’t let the advantages start at youth level. Make it even playing fields, public or private for youth ages

My son is young for his grade. I wouldn’t want him to play with his age group they wouldn’t be his friends. I guess if he did play with his age group he would look more dominant. But I know my kid would want to play with his friends more importantly. I can’t believe people do this holdback stuff in the later years of school.

Believe it! It’s done and being done more and more. Look at the kids who end up playing at the best colleges. A lot of holdbacks! People feeling the pressure with the younger kids at the MS age, unless kid is a phenom! Depends on what level of college play kid is shooting for?

It’s lacrosse, What’s the end game?There are way too many uncontrollable variables, makes no sense to me.