Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Real Difference between Lax Divisions: https://youtu.be/5XPHOhoTYtM
My son chose to play club, MCLA. The talent level is as good as any D1 program outside of the top 25. He's playing with great fiends, great social life and and getting a degree at a name recognized university. Don't sleep on club ball. If you love the game and want to play there's always a way. Don't sacrifice your college experience just to say you play lacrosse.

No that's not even remotely true. Club lacrosse isn't even on the level of low D-3. But if saying it makes you feel better keep at it.

Good club teams are head and shoulders above low-level D3. heck, good high school programs would wipe the floor with low- and even some mid-level D3 teams.

Keep telling yourself what you need to hear. Tell all your buddies how your kids club team is actually D-1. Whatever makes you feel better.

My kids haven't even started playing youth lacrosse yet, much less college.

For bona fides, I grew up on Long Island and have been involved in lacrosse at all levels for most of my life. I wasn't the best player in the world, but I went to one of the historically strong high schools and ended up a four-year starter at a D1 school. I also spent a couple years as a volunteer assistant for a low-to-mid-level D3 program, one that was still good enough to make the NCAA tournament a few times in the relatively recent past.

My high school alma mater (or any "good" team -- Chaminade, St. Anthony's, the best LI publics in a given year, etc.) would beat said D3 team by 15+ goals. It wouldn't even be close. Have you ever watched a low-level D3 game? Have you ever watched a top MCLA team play?