Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do teams really get better. I don’t think so…I believe players get better and that’s how teams improve, more so B than A. The top teams improve by bringing in out of state kids and the B teams improve by getting athletes that develop. The B teams also decline generally because they are not competitive and/or the coaches do the minimum. So was can stop saying who got better, just be concerned your team didn’t get worse, which is definitely the case for a few B teams.

You are pretty correct on the points-raised about. B teams are difficult to keep together, to get year over year improvement because there are a handful of kids on each team striving to get on an A team and chase the shiny new opportunity at tryouts every year, at least on Long Island. Kids think they are better than they are and parents don’t see the real situation. Facts:

12.5 scholarships max per Div 1 team. Now distributed over 50+ kids due to COVID-19 holdbacks.

Long Island can’t be considered the hotbed anymore. Look at every top 25 div 1 roster. Used to be at least half were from LI. Now maybe 1/4 is typical. Going to get even smaller as programs develop in TX, FL, CA.

Unless your son hasn’t hit puberty, and is a skilled player with speed, breaking into the top teams is a massive long shot. So be careful with the sales pitch from new programs, offering a B team spot with a look next year for the A team.

B team kids do play in college, on a D3 team. Great lacrosse, just different size, speed, commitment.

B team kids play at all level of. College (D1, D2, D3 and club) the same is true for A team players. Now very few B team kids make it to D1 but some do. If you are just talking about the big clubs B teams. Then it’s true Most if any at all will play D 1. If you are taking about B teams in general such as Rebels, FLG, Hitmen. Then this is false. Just looking at the 2022 class. Flg has 5 D1 commits with the possibility of another 1 or 2. Rebels have about 5 Hitmen 1. These numbers are not great but you still have a chance. Many B team kids leave entering their Junior year and join recruiting teams such as 365 lax, LI sting. And I saw another team this year south shore elite. These teams produce D1 player also. Not as many as 91 or Express but there are other avenues to take to college other han the big club route
Every player is different and they grow and
Develop at different rates. If you want it don’t give up. Don’t believe that 91 and Exprees are the only way to go.
I do agree as the game grows in other areas of the country things will be harder foe LI lax kids. Minnesota is another area that is expanding and producing good talent