Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Alyssa Cometti is the person that evaluated the event. I believe she may of only watched half a game of each team live but all games were recorded. Also not all the ranked players played in the event.

Most coaches will tell you it doesn’t take them very long to evaluate a players athleticism and ability. The coaches, especially the ones from the better programs can tell in less than a minute.

If they are deciding on a recruit in a minute, then that fully explains how so many kids get overlooked and why so many kids who are hyped fizzle out. Yes they do get some right.

They get some right?? They get a lot more than some right, they get most right.

No coach gets all of their top recruits, not UNC, not BC, Not MD, not Northwestern, not Princeton, not ND, not Stanford, not UVA, not Florida, not Penn, not Syracuse. No Coach gets all of their top ranked/prioritized recruits. However, collectively they do not miss many. Do you actually believe that there are a lot of players who slip through the cracks and get overlooked? It doesn’t happen very often.

Yes I do believe that the top programs recruit players every year that sit the bench for 3-4 years and there are some players that are overlooked and do very well at programs not in the Top 20. If you can get the top top talent then it is fine that most of your recruiting class doesn't pan out. I do not think many top players get overlooked - no. I think it is more common that overhyped kids don't do well at top programs. Just what I've seen after going through it.

Of course there are players at the top programs who sit the bench, there are 30-40 players on the roster and most coaches only play 13 - 15 players in competitive games. Not everyone will see meaningful playing time and that is true at every program. Just because a player is doing well at a middle of the pack or weak program does not mean that the player was overlooked. It is much more difficult to get on the field at a top 10 - 20 program than it is to get on the field at a program that rarely if ever finishes the year in the top 20. Alyssa Parella and Erica Evans are the exception, not the rule, there are not many like them running around out there. There are many players at the top programs who you would say “didn’t pan out” that would walk right on to teams that are not traditional Top 20 teams and start and be one of the best players on the team. Case in point two Maryland players who saw very limited playing time during their 4 years with The Terps played their final year at Towson and I believe started every game and were two of Towson’s better players. Towson is a very good program BTW not a traditional top 20 but they do finish in the top 20 every few years , they are not middle of the road.

This is a great response and said perfectly....well done