Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think the obvious top teams are UNC, Cuse, ND, NW . I think people are counting out Loyola because of their terrible start but that would be a mistake and I bet they are right there by the end of the season. SBU ,Florida have the ability to beat anyone but Florida would need an incredible effort from their goalie ( she has that ability) and win the draw battle to beat a top team as they are very limited offensively. SBU would need to dominate the draw and shoot better to have a chance against one of the top teams .I dont see any other team that realistically could beat one of the top teams unless something very strange happens.

Side note: is the America East conference so devoid of talent that they select a player who went 2 for 8 in shooting with 4 TO and honestly looked a little lost in a close game against an opponent they should easily beat as the offensive player of the week .
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think the obvious top teams are UNC, Cuse, ND, NW . I think people are counting out Loyola because of their terrible start but that would be a mistake and I bet they are right there by the end of the season. SBU ,Florida have the ability to beat anyone but Florida would need an incredible effort from their goalie ( she has that ability) and win the draw battle to beat a top team as they are very limited offensively. SBU would need to dominate the draw and shoot better to have a chance against one of the top teams .I dont see any other team that realistically could beat one of the top teams unless something very strange happens.

Side note: is the America East conference so devoid of talent that they select a player who went 2 for 8 in shooting with 4 TO and honestly looked a little lost in a close game against an opponent they should easily beat as the offensive player of the week .

Not sure about Notre Dame, Loyola just does not look good, Stony Brook does not have the ability to beat top teams. Florida does have the ability to challenge for a Final Four spot. SBU was lucky to beat Towson, they should not have easily beat them. Towson actually looked more athletic. SBU a little more confident down the stretch. The difference was SBU expected to win, Towson needs to believe they can beat good teams.

Two things here. I was looking forward to this game and it did not disappoint First off Towson with addition of freshman and multiple transfers are not the Towson we have seen past few years. As far as the game assessment I personally never felt game was in doubt. SB was up 6-2 at half and 10-6 late so as far as “supposed to blow someone out” did you use that while assessing UVA and Louisville Wins are wins especially in a Covid season.
Personally think both teams are really well coached and could beat anyone outside the top two because defense goalie play and a few kids who could get hot
Florida I have seen this year and based on what I’ve seen not sure what makes you more confident about them than some others (unlesssss your daughter plays for them) then I understand UNC CUSE Then the jury is out remember with no fall ball these teams are very much a work in progress and much will change as it goes on.

Watched the game and thought it was a good win for SBU, Towson is a solid team. The Tigers are a player or two away from being a Top 10 team. Stony Brook is also a player or two away from being a Top 10 team. SBU should roll the rest of the way (unless they pick up more games vs quality teams). In this crazy year we don't know what will happen but from what I have seen SBU is not making it to the Quarter Finals (I have been wrong before). I just do not see the depth, Their best (who is terrific) is asked to do too much. Maybe Albany will test them.