Originally Posted by Anonymous
Summer club lacrosse is the Wild West new frontier with guest players, movement among teams, rising grade players holding back, and not roster requirements. It has become the old hero’s pick up summer league on steroids with no accountability. Families/players accept an invite in late summer after tryouts based on the expectation that the team will remain in tact through summer only to them have the bait and switch. The year round club “season” dues include summer tourneys. All star teams are one thing and should be allowed only in tournaments that are not geared toward competitive club teams that select tournaments with the expectation of competing with similarly situated clubs that do or don’t play in spring league.

Saying you have best tournament or club team is like claiming you have the best pizza in NY! How do you even know. Kids just want to play lacrosse or eat pizza they don’t really care about the other stuff. The greed of adults. Very sad.