Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Rumor is crabs 2023 is imploding...

A few players leaving, you could say they were disgruntled over playing time or whatever. But more than half the team leaving, including the boys that got most of the playing time, something else at play there.

Coaches & management just don't want to accept there were problems starting with them. Behind-the-scenes politics was shameful, starting with the Dad on the coaching staff. Perhaps they will use this as an opportunity to right their ship.

Most people had already decided that they wouldn't be coming back. But knowing that they were supposed to be getting new coaches, they showed up at tryouts to give one last consideration. But when they showed up and saw the promised "blind" tryout had last year's coaches as evaluators, they turned around and left. Likely they had chosen the team before they ever even started. Complete lack of professionalism and integrity.

A number of local clubs just got a little bit better adding these kids to their teams. Should make for some competitive games!

Yeah, not much fun when you run every play to get the coach's son a shot. we should have left after the 1st year

1St game of the last tournament.. Head Coach screamed several times at the boys.. "why don't you play more like(My favorite player). Happened many times during the season. He might as well kicked every player on that team in the nuts. This lead to the most lopsided loss in this teams history and no one seemed to care. Great players and parents... we learned a lot... Time to rebuild the confidence and move on. Many of these parents are coaches and involved with multiple sports... not our first rodeo.....Lacrosse is much bigger than a coach or a program....Crabs will be fine and the ones that left will be fine... If I am Crabs I am trying to get those boys back...