Originally Posted by Anonymous
So many of the best coaches in the game today have coached their sons not only in youth/middle school but also in high school and even college.

Look at the MIAA "A" Conference and almost every team has a head coach or assistant coach with a son on the team including at least the last four league champions.

At an even higher level it also seems to have worked out for Tierney, Danowski, Zimmerman, Corrigan, Desko just to name a few guys who coached their sons in college

Wow, so you are saying that less than 1% of the Dad's who coach their kid ends up being a stud? Great point you made. And guess what, the guys you listed are outstanding coaches so it would make sense for their son to play for them at a great college if they are good enough.

Do you plan on coaching your son in college? How about high school? What's gonna happen when little Johnnie tries out in high school and doesn't start right away? Are you going to force your way onto the coaching staff to make sure your son starts? Call the coach and complain? It happens every year, we see kids try out and feel entitled because Dad has given them everything on the lacrosse field. Do yourself a favor and let your kid succeed and fail on their own without your help.