Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am a hawks parent who watched the crabs- hawks game. Though the hawks won the game, the crabs made a comeback largely due to #14. The hawks did sub of their players but kept their best defenseman on #14. My son has played against him for years and he is an outstanding player. Our hawks team has alot of respect for him and his Dad who is an extraordinary coach. I agree that the crabs team we watched last Sunday was much different than the past two years. Not the same coaches and not the same strong players we are use to seeing from that Crabs 2023 team. Still a long season and time will tell. One player does not make a deference on a team....must have a core of strong teams players.

Assuming you are one of the ACS parents from the Hawks? Yeah, we really appreciated how #14s dad was cheering for several of our Hawk opponent players all game and except for his son we never heard one positive about any of our players, his sons TEAMMATES. IT was a nice touch when #14 was looking in the stands at this GREAT COACH while a teammates pass to him was rolling out of bounds. I hope you take them both next year.

Dont know what this parent guy has done, but it must be something ...to get fired from coaching, cause a team to fall apart and then cheer on the other team only besides his own son?? This sounds like a drama series on TV than 7th grade Youth lacrosse.