Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Top 3 Coaches with the worst sideline behavior in 2024:

1. Team 88+3 - no details needed
2. Madlax - see above
3. RR - Insane yelling and belittling of players

I'm sure we can compile a nice top 5. Come on people!

Son played after HoCo - RR, so I watched the end of the game. RR was getting a beat down by HoCo. RR coach was dropping f-bombs and threw lax stick at bench. How parents can let their kids play for these clowns is beyond me. Worst is the assistants who just stand there and are afraid to say anything. Find a good coach, it's not about the club.

#1 and in class by himself is Trig. Joseph S Trigiani, owner of Blackwolf. Montgomery College artist. Look him up. Real abuse, kids in hospital, etc.

Makes Millon look like a nice guy

You are talking about Trig in a 2024 forum? Get a flipping life.

Nobody is worse than the Madlax guy. Just Google ungrateful quitter