Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Guys/Ladies, this is absurd. Everyone should reserve comments about others unless they have facts...doesn't matter which team your kid plays for. Bashing a coach is one thing, although we should still reserve comment until we have facts. However, bashing a kid (or a kids parents) because we THINK the child is a certain age is irresponsible. I know the child in question for Madlax. He is 11 years old; that is a fact, not my opinion. Yes, he is tall for his age and extremely athletic. However, anyone present at the game last weekend knows that the other team also had 2 defensive kids equally as tall. No one is questioning their age. I believe this kid's age is called into question is because he plays middie; if he played defense he probably would not be scrutinized as much. Most middies are not that tall. Therefore you often see him matched up against kids who are shorter than him which makes him stand out even more. I have a child who plays AAU basketball. I can assure you that if you attend their games you will see a lot of 11 year olds as tall, if not taller, than this kid. Let's be honest, most kids that tall and that athletic aren't playing lacrosse; they're in a gym somewhere. I know there are some reading this who still want to believe this kid is 13 years old. For those I would ask you to find the kids parents the next time your son's team plays Madlax. His parents are at every game and are very nice folks. Then you can get an answer from a reliable source and hopefully stop bashing a kid, his parents, or the program he plays for.

Nobody should be bashing Madlax because they have a huge kid. They are bashing Madlax because they are the #1 club for holdbacks and because their owner is an absolute nightmare who threatens his own clients. People eventually get tired of him which is why their top kids leave when they hit HS.

He met his match on Sunday.