Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Wow, you just posted the recipe for burnout and injury. My brother's an orthopedic surgeon. Call me in 3 years and I'll give you his number. You are such a classic meathead. I'll make a bet right now that, at minimum, 2 kids that have not even picked up a stick yet will be playing varsity over your "elite" player.

This is just not true for a sport like lacrosse. Its a skill based sport. Like baseball. So the more you do it the better you will be. If you want to talk body types vs skills you should be able to judge a kids general body type from looking at mom and dad. So if mom and dad are 6 feet and studs 5th grade Johnny should turn into a 6 foot stud. Yes you can over train for all sports but lacrosse unlike baseball you should be throwing with your left and right and over and under hand all the time. And with lacrosse you use all your muscles and run in all directions. So if you take out the contact part of the sport you should be able to play lacrosse 12 months a year and it would be the same as doing cross fit at a gym for a full year. All athletes body's should be monitored at all times no matter the age. Be mindful of soreness in the big joints and hits to your sons head. If you do this and sit him when he has these two things he can play full time lacrosse 12 months a year (if he wants to) without a problem.

So we can generally assume your son should grow into an idiot?

So beside my lack of writing ability. Can you poke holes in my theory about youth lacrosse players and the amount they play? You wanted to brag about your Doctor brother so I am assuming you are highly educated. So please school us on the facts of over use injury's in lacrosse. What body parts are the ones that will need to be fixed by your brother? This post said playing lacrosse 2 to 3 times a week. So if NFL says kids should run and play for 1 hour every day how can they not handle 6 to 8 hours a week of Lacrosse? Like I said the be careful with the amount of big hits or hits to your sons head but other then that please tell me how there bodies can not play this much lacrosse?

Arguing with the guy who's brother is an ortho is pointless. He'll never admit that he is wrong. It is like playing chess with a pigeon: he knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory. That being said, the best athletes are playing lots of different sports, not just lacrosse. A kid can play basketball during the winter and get a lot more out of it than getting beat up playing box.