For a 2024 elite player that lives in the DMV area, Madlax *is* the best option in town. When you play Madlax, you get to go to tournaments like the elite 8 and play the best teams from LI and Philly, and win the Spring league three years in a row. You may not know this, but it is an incredible, supportive group of families that love spending time together, and the team continues to get better. Bethesda is a very good team, but they have lost a step at the 2024 level. That is why Madlax swept them 3-0 this year. Next Level is a solid single A team. But when Madlax plays Next Level, they don't even play their starters most of the game, and they still run away. It is no match. I don't think there is a 3D or VLC team at this level anymore. Those programs are imploding. And there certainly is no BW. Didn't that guy get convicted for child abuse? I know you are a Madlax hater and nothing I say is going to change that. Go ahead and reply: "google ungrateful quitter." We've all heard it a million times. You should really try to find something that has happened in the last 4 years.