Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any parent who heard these comments directly should report this to the HOCO league in writing and demand something be done. I cannot imagine allowing my child to play for him be because all know that this is not a rare occurance. This needs to be handled by the HOCO league, and if it isn't we know that they have absolutely zero control of the League and we should all be very concerned for the safety of our kids. A coach told a 5th grader to break a players arm? Called a player a [lacrosse]?! You're done here buddy. I don't care what accolades youve got . You've got no place around children.

I dont believe MM said this. If he did and I was the parent of the " [lacrosse]" or " broken arm middie" ... I would be in MM's face at end of game. Or at a mimimun bringing it up with HOCO league officials. This is a public run league. This isnt some sacred cow where the parent has no say about his child...This is a bunch of 5th grade children playing lacrosse.

Parents tried to confront him after the game, but he took his team behind the bleachers for so long, it was not possible.