Why would anything happen? Coach at spsg makes up a story and can’t prove it’s true ![/quote]

Gators delivered a playoff beatdown to the Terps on their field today just like the Gators did to the Lions on their field![/quote]

This is hilarious as SPSZG goalie is heading to Florida Gators and teams she is connected with ended both BR and CNR seasons - tough going in the Reese household - ha![/quote]
Still mad neither recruited your daughter I see. It’s been a couple years now. Let it go.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

that's usually how it works in college at the goalie position.[/quote]
Still getting caught up on this specific beef as I was focused on Kendrick Lamar and Drake until this week. I have 2 Questions:
- Where can I stream both games between MV and SP? I can only find the first half of the regular season game and not the playoff game anywhere
- How did Maryvale win by 2 in the regular season game and then lose by 10 in the playoffs? I get slight differences but that is unheard of[/quote]

The refs for the playoff game let the girls play. The 1st obvious flop by a MV player in the playoffs went uncalled. MV was in trouble from then on, not being able to flop and get the call their way. BR wasn’t able to get girls multiple yellow cards (and kicked out of the game) by storming the field and yelling numbers…. The better team was able to actually play their game w/o being intimidated. I could go on….