i am not the original genius, but other states do use a weighted system to assign seeds. They also play up or down a class depending on SOS.

I think the easiest thing to do is to a Big school A bracket and Big School B Bracket and Small School A bracket and Small School B Bracket. Weighted SOS will determine which one you go in. It also doesn't have to be evenly distributed. So the A brackets can have 16 or 20 teams and the B brackets 42 or 48 Teams.

Or do a similar thing and wipe away school size from the equation. Have an A, B, C, and D bracket with better naming. The true 4A and the true 1A schools are the least experienced, with a few outliers. The 2A and 3A is really where the talent lies.

That wouldn't completely solve the problem but it would make more competitive games.

None of this will happen. One thing that could happen is they waited until the teams fielding a playoff team were determined and then created evenly distributed regions. Having a 2 team region and a 7 team region in the same bracket makes zero sense.