Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]I’m not sure if I agree. I thought GHS had a great game plan and MV looked like they made their adjustments. Both of those players return next year, I think MV will be fine. As will GHS, they have a solid core. Not a parent for either team, but it was a good game. Anyone who is a fan of this game doesn't enjoy watching teams hold the ball for 2,3,5,7 min at a time to stall. It's not enjoyable lacrosse. If your kid's team was down by a few goals and the other team was holding the ball with 6 min left, you would be screaming too. And anyone who says "just pressure out and get the ball" has no clue. Yes, you can try, but any good team can run and pass and refs call more fouls during that time which makes it extremely difficult to make up a multiple goal deficit. But the GHS coach took advantage of the rule and they held on to win. He even said in his interview he knew they could not let MV have the ball back in the last 6 min. They executed their game plan and they won, so give credit where it is due. That being said, they put a shot clock in NCAA basketball in the 80s bc of teams holding the ball (4 corners?), and in NCAA womens lax in 2015 bc of this. It needs to be added to HS, or you will continue to have games like this that are not in the spirit of the competition.

Sounds like sour grapes. We went to the game and saw that Glenelg used the slow transition to score 3 goals. MV still had to play defense and couldn't keep the ball out of the net to win. Glenelg did and going to the finals. In the spirit of competition they beat MV with admittedly a slower pace but not a stall. Even more impressive was Glenelg didn't even double the star player. Hats off as the better team won.

You clearly don't know what a backer defense is...