Originally Posted by Anonymous
the point is not that express won the World Series, the point is there has never been a team other then a Long Island team to win the World Series. I dont agree with the poster who talks about all the talent going to 91 and express, we know that. I am talking about Long Island Lacrosse so all the way down the line if you take the top 20 teams from Long Island against the top 20 teams from any area, Long Island will have the strongest pool of teams. and of course if the talent goes to the top Long Island Still has the strongest there, albeit closer because you are moving it up to just a few teams, No region can produces as many decent teams and talent pool. Period.

I should know better than to address this with any sense of intelligence but this statement is so off base that I can't help myself. There are over 3 million people on an island that stretches about 120 miles. If you include Brooklyn and Queens, along with the close proximity to CT, the pool to draw top players is enormous. Hence, this is why there are so many club teams on the island. There are not many other states in the country that could get that many club teams within that distance to practice regularly, which is needed to develop and compete at a high level. Yes, there are some awesome club teams on the island, along with many inferior teams that struggle to compete at the elite level. A little perspective and some basic math would tell you that you have a sheer numbers advantage to draw players.