Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Some teams were full this year due to promising all previous year players a spot due to pandemic year. Probably see more moves this year. I bet igloo will have a good number trying out. 91 too.
As far as the “status” question....... it’s south shore lacrosse..what’s the status in that?

Lol true!
Why would Igloo have a good number trying out? They are not one of the top programs this year.
Must be a dad who thinks WSYL is the way to determine if youre good or not. Probably the same dad who wrote Express and 91 are the top teams... because they qualified. 91's 2026 team, by itself, is a joke... we all now that. If you actually think 91 is better than Igloo, on Long Island, you're wrong. 91's 2027 Machine team beats the 2026 team.