Originally Posted by Anonymous
OK, then how does this explain the current #1? Win over #40, the rest of the wins over non ranked teams.

If US Club Lacrosse rank system actually worked, after the best national tournaments this weekend the NLF the #1 team in nation Express before the new ranks should still also be the #1 team in the nation after an overtime win against the #2 ranked Tigers.& detest to say it but 91 Long Island and Laxachusetts with close losses to #1 and #2 should be ranked top 10 if not top 5. Maybe ice hockey system does not work in lacrosse unless they add ice to lacrosse games?[/quote]

3D as number one, it was fun while it lasted US Club Lacrosse,,,,,poof[/quote]

Sounds like the NLF Rankings have more analysis and much more reliable.