Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This ends the conversation. I would like all Boston, Maryland Upstate Etc,, to just get off this forum. Once again on age we see that the Long Island Talent is the best around every year, year in and year out. That includes the A and B teams, so leave the discussion to Long Island, their B teams crush any other areas teams that are around, there are just much better players of age in Long Island then anywhere else in the country. Express and some of the larger orgs 91, etc, they are the flavor because they were their first so all talent that is developed on the other teams filters its way to them. But the body as a whole Long Island just has better lacrosse then anywhere in the country. Hands down, mic drop.

This is a silly post and shows why everyone feels the way they do about New Yorkers (especially Long Islanders). There is no correlation between total talent and WSYL wins. What is obvious is that New York is the only state that takes WSYL seriously. Maryland and DC kids spread out across FAR more teams than LINY where 91 and Express are the only real viable options for top level players. If there was a REAL team NY and team MD my guess is they would split wins across the age groups from year to year and all would be extremely competitive. But if it helps their confidence, keep telling all the Joeys, Anthonys, and Paulies that they are the best.

The original poster is correct.