Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Invitational is exactly what it means. Teams are invited by the organizers. The idea that applications are filled out and teams are vetted in nonsense.
The semantics are pointless as that still doesn’t mean 91 wasn’t invited. Given the NAL field is as stacked as any 24 team tourney we’ve ever seen at this age, it’s safe to assume they were invited and didn’t accept.

I think people here are arguing over pretty much the same thing here. Either they were invited and didn't accept because they know they can't compete with these teams or they weren't invited by the NAL because they know they aren't good. My guess would be they were invited but didn't accept.
Does anyone really care except for the one or two people asking and answering their own posts because they are obsessed with a 12 year old travel team?