Originally Posted by Anonymous
Reclassifying for lacrosse is lame. Maybe your kid will get recruited early to Hopkins, UNC and UVA - wow. He can then ride the pine once he gets there when on age kids who are more skilled because they played against Holdbacks eat his lunch. Hope the one or two years of private school tuition was worth it. He can always go work for Ty Xanders or be a stringer at Lacrosse unlimited if the MLL doesn't pan out.

The reason you go to NCAA is to get a great education not so that you go play in the MLL. If you play in the MLL then great for you, but it probably wont happen. If you reclass and you commit to a great school then you could be set for life. Who cares about the lacrosse side of this. Lacrosse is a gateway to go to a top academic school, and get a great job after school.