Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
we are at all american this week and our team played tilts team for the event I finally get what everyone has been raving about loudest most positive energy out there has the kids celebrating every goal. We beat the team by one and as the kids come off kids were cheering / laughing. The comments everyone has said about the energy she gives off is spot on. we won’t be leaving our current team due to town politics but it was nice to finally see what the posts on here were referring to

Thanks for the update Coach T!

Usually I’d agree here with most coaches but she trains my daughter and whenever I tell her someone posted about her she asks that we don’t reply and just let it die down rly don’t think she’s sitting on back of the cage waiting for her chance to strike

Don’t even bother trying to defend her. Those of us who know her will stick with her and the people on here saying anything negative are likely others with an agenda because she threatens them somehow we know a lot of men don’t like women with any sort of success