Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Under Armour 150. Good event to attend or no? Also, any idea how they pick the girls? Over 1500 applied for 300 spots.

Which Long Island kids made it?

From what I’ve heard from my daughter a few YJ kids, a legacy kid, and two 91 kids.

The fact that two of those 91 kids made it is impressive in my opinion. There hasn’t been a lot of representation from the club at events like this. I think the shift in this clubs growth this year is due to the coach takeover by Tilts. She was mentioned a few times, but my daughter finally worked with her this week and was blown away by her and how much she had never been taught before meeting with her. It was eye opening. It is true what they say about how a coach can really make a team.

I’m not sure if it was in this thread or another BOTC thread talking about this showcase but someone said that if you play for a top club you’ll make it. Elevate and 91 aren’t typically top clubs, but have some top players. I don’t personally think highly of Kotowski and the program, but it is further proof that talent isn’t just coming from one program on the Island.

Also just want to point out that those saying the selection process isn’t legit should find a coach that is advocating for them the way Tilts and a few Long Island coaches who seem to be changing the 2024 class. The amount of other parents considering leaving their current teams solely to play for this one coach is insane. I think that those girls making it was just another reason there’s been all this buzz.

Maybe just an opinion. Regardless, big congratulations are in order for all girls who made it even if parents are in here making it seem like it isn’t a victory. All of the kids representing Long Island should be celebrated.