Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Here are the FACTS. Tribe began to practice as a team in January 2020. The team did not have try outs as it was put together by parents of girls who have known and played with and against each other for years on Long Island. It was meant to be, and still is, a team for the girls to play hard, develop as players and have some fun. The coach of Tribe, who also happens to be the director for Jesters, was hired by the parents to coach the team so that they could avoid any parent coaching conflicts of interest. The current director of Jesters joined that organization AFTER the formation of Tribe, in May 2020. Another fact: Tribe roster includes girls from YJ Weiner, YJ Ramos, YJ Kildare, YJ Spallina, YJ Lomo, Legacy, Jesters, Elevate and Liberty. It is NOT a Jesters team. In fact, the directors of these other clubs are fully aware of their girls' participation and encourage it. And none of the girls intend on leaving their current club team because of the involvement of the Jesters director as a coach. Again, she was their coach long BEFORE she joined Jesters. For many of the girls on Tribe, she has been training them for years. So please stop the rumor spreading when so much of what is being said is just not, factually, correct.

It’s jealousy. Same parents complaining would like to have their kids play for tribe. everyone needs to move on .

Says tribe parent

People love to say the nicest things about their own teams