Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Bandits mommy coach is sending her kid to some recruiting events but doesn’t tell the rest of the team about it a little bit fishy if I say so myself guess she’s afraid of more competition for the kid

All the dad coaches are doing it too they don’t want their kids to have any competition come on now

Just wait till next year! The claws and jealousy will be rampant. Everyone for themselves. Don’t be dense and think your club has your best interests in mind. They will favor and promote certain girls because of the parents. Take your daughters recruiting into your own hands!!

If your coach isn’t helping with recruiting for your entire team there’s an issue.

If you think your club coach or director has any influence you are most likely going to be in for a rough road.

College Coaches, especially the coaches from perennial Top 10-20 Programs watch the players play and they recruit and make offers to the players that the think can help their program win.

You underestimate the power of a coach whose well connected and advocates for you

+1 Especially for those just below the "top" group. That first introduction/email/call from a connected coach means so much. Well-connected coaches are more than just a foot in the door.