Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Curious about your honest experiences with different coaches at this age group

YJ A coach is a good coach but her kid is not good enough to be on that team

This happens at nearly every age group for YJ A teams where a coach has a kid on their own team. Usually the first couple years the coaches kid is one of the better ones on the roster, a couple years in and they are hanging on and by the end they are still on the team because how can the coach and director put the kid on the B team? And they usually have a few town friends along for the ride. These coaches will always be blind to it, thinking the kid is one of the best on the team.

It's pathetic honestly

This is 100% correct for almost all age groups...town team becomes the YJ A made up mostly of one town with a dad coach. it works for them i guess but it does get people crazy after awhile