Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express has a 40 man team, which is why they have Haugen Black and Haugen Orange, at any time they can choose to put whoever they want on at any particular time. Stop crying about it. Every kid is a AA player or every kid is an A player. The flexibility is there so that kids can play with many other kids and get the best experience. Big deal you want a T shirt but didnt get it, we are getting the best experience with kids playing at multiple levels.

I get all the things you are saying, but then why enter the one Orange team in a B brackets playing against B teams. I think that's why everyone is crying.

That's not the issue. The orange team belonged in that bracket, as evidenced by the fact they were losing to LILC. The issue is then having kids from the black team playing in the AA bracket jump into the games when the orange team was losing to save face.

Had those 3 middies 1 fogo 1 attack and 1 d guy NOT gone into that game LILC would have crushed Express Haugen Orange so if everyone says LILC is just a decent town team I think the joke is on the Express parents that are paying $4K for an avergage b team that can be beat by an town team. I heard LILC is $1K- can that be true? And again without that stud FOGO even the double A team is just a decent club. My money is on 91 to be the best LI team. Express does well in LI tourneys but once they cross the Throgs Neck they get crushed. 91 plays as a team and has depth. And everyone sees the field. Im sure many of the 40 express kids got t shirts but didn't see the field.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel good. Express troll. Your sweet boy must've ben cut. You'll say he wasn't to save face though.
FYI - 91 and Express scrimmaged already this year. Express won.

Believe what you want. Have fun in Delaware.