Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
channycheat strikes again, not at all surprising, everyone knew what was up once the schedule was posted. Kuddos to LILC for a well played tournament.

I was watching that game in between my sons game and as soon as LILC went up 2 goals and was clearly the stronger team he brought in the 3 best fogo, attack and d guys he has and also his entire AA middie line. Express parents were shaking their heads. I was listening to them complain yet next year they will be back. Ha. Truth is LILC should have been in the AA division bc they would have smoked the express haugen b team if they had just played those rostered kids. And they smoked the other single a division teams. But then to hear CoachC did it again in the finals is laughable. And for you parents that allowed your kids to play in 7 games yesterday I feel bad when they need knee replacement by the time they are in 9th grade. If Express wants to cheat then cheat but isn’t it embarrassing to the organization or have we lost all sense of reality in the big picture that very few of all our kids are going to play lax at the highest level and more importantly don’t we want them to be good people and put them on teams with coaches they look up to and respect and learn from. Long Island Lax is a mess right now bc of insane parents and organizations that play dirty. And the fogo from express is a true 2026 and amazing however he definitely doesn’t belong on any B teams! But it isn’t his fault he’s just doing what his cheater coach tells him to do.

I completely agree.

Supporting your own statement. Stop being jealous