Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Next week at Blatant Fall Jam, LI Express Haugen is registered in the 2026 B division. Therefore, I hope CoachC doesn't revert to bringing his A players (including his top 2 2026 A players who are that good enough to play up on the 2025 team). I don't care that Express set this age group in a pool training system. That is fine and up to them. However, if you want to bring A players, then play in the A bracket. Teams and tournaments are set up based on talent and skill. Teams pay good money to put their teams in brackets that are best suited for their skill. Don't revert to winning at all costs and taint your organization's reputation and have your top talented players play in a B division tournament. Other registered teams and Blatant tournament officials should be aware and notified if these players play. More importantly, Express "B" Parents... stop drinking the Kool-Aid and demand that if it is a B tournament, then let the B team kids play.

Express Dad here. Very disgruntled about what is going on with this Express project. They took 40 kids on a supposed mixed Double AA team. The project is to weed out the less skilled kids to make a super team. That is fine there is no doubt but kid is absolutely a double A player and he will play on the "Super Team". This weekend he may have to play in a B division at Blatant. Thats a shame. how does this make him better and prepared to play Legacy who we just lost t. Haugen a nice guy when CoachC is playing him like a puppet on strings. Haugen has said to some parents he is not happy about the way this whole thing is going but won't fight CoachC on it. Shaking my head. This project is trouble and the Legacy , 91 and the Rebels will reap the rewards at next years tryouts.

If your son is "absolutely a double A player" then why would he be pushed to the B division team? My guess is that the other players on the AA team are better than him and that roster is full. Seems that they're trying to form 2 of the best teams that they can? No trying to come off sounding like i'm ridiculing. Just an outsider looking in.
No if your son isn't playing with the B team I would suggest to not wait and look for another team completely.

Why does he have to play on the B team. I agree with prior poster. If CoachC is making your kid go to Blatant and play in the B division (not even the A division) then he doesnt view your kid as part of his top super team. And if you push to go to the Elite or NALF tournaments, he will let you go. But he wont play your kid. Or very little anyway.