Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It is sad that even the kids that are on the b team still don't play because he has the a players playing for both teams. Let the b team be just that - a B team!

Every kid on the B team plays. Go to the tournament tomorrow and watch if you don't want to take my word for it.

That is completely false. CoachC played his top AA players in both divisions today. Parents of Express kids on the sidelines were complaining it was ridiculous. Teams entered the single A division to play single A teams and be competitive. And parents like myself put their kids on the single A team bc they want them to see the field and play other single A teams. But CoachC was afraid of losing so he cheated. These kids are 11 and this behavior is sad for them to witness.

Not an Express parent. But I want to say goid for you for speaking up about whats happening.
I had no doubt he was going to do that when you saw how he scheduled the games for both teams. It was clear he was going to have his AA kids running back and forth between both teams.
He shoumd be ashamed. And B teans playing who paud for the singke A bracket should be asking fir a refund from Tristate. Its disgusting manipulating that much in your own tournament.
LILC congrats because truly you were the championship winner here and got robbed.

The negative drunk dad strikes again. Read this again in the morning when you’re sober.

You’re clearly a parent from the B team. Likely the parent of a boy that played very little.

No one is asking for a refund except you.