Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]People care when he puts A players into a B bracket.

His AA FOGO plays on 3 teams. Without him, every Express team is in a lower league. Even the prodigal 2025 team. Someone figures out how to poach that kid, and Express is in trouble.

Comical statement to say that without 1 kid that 3 teams would be in trouble. You’re clueless [/quote

You’re clueless. Bet you’ve never seen him in a game. Stay on the mid-Atlantic thread.

So the team Legacy beat was Haugen Orange, and the team in the B bracket for this weekend’s tourney is Haugen black. Do they rotate colors as they do players between teams?

Tourney for Blatant jam just says LIE Haugen 2026 in B bracket. Doesnt say Orange or Black.
And appears for Tristar they have both Haugen Orange and Haugen Bkack in AA bracket.
Originally they had Haugen Orange in A bracket and Haugen Black in AA bracket.
Looks like CoachC must be getting some pushback from parents about the Orange team being a B team, so he has moved it into the AA bracket with Black.

It was the Express B team at Blatant. Not sure if that means Orange or Black but I think most teams use Black as their A team. Except 91... Express either didn't use that good FOGO or he really isn't that great.