Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Laxin around crushed everyone today! They were unstoppable! Great lacrosse watching that team play!

Yeah unstoppable beating up on B and C teams at best. Should be so proud. The lax might be worst ive seen all aro

That's what we are degrading kids to B and C teams. They are travel teams they paid and a want a be town/travel team. Maybe instead of making excuses you should to talk to the coaches of LAXIN A Round and find out what it's all about. Paying 2k plus for a travel team when parents are paying $55 bucks for their kids to have fun is the way to go, that price even includes practices. Can't wait to hear the responses. Please bring the best remarks only.

I'd put my kid in badminton before I'd let him play for those clowns. He'd probably come home with lice or fleas.