Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's not about kids having fun, that's funny. It must be so much fun to beat teams not on your teams loaded up level, and it must have been great fun for the dirtbag who posted first about complete domination. Oh wait, that disgusting slob was surely a sandbagging SYAG piece of trash.
I guess you'll be changing the team name again and collecting another 60 bucks so you can be laxing at NLF and then again at the 'Fest. If you play it right, and if the boys have any balls, you can seek out a challenge and earn another shot at Express or the Nuts. Um nope.
Better yet I'm sure we can all find you at Fosberg or Gallagher, ahem, ahem, ahem dominating. There are plenty of B and town teams to play there.

Wow. Someone is very bitter about losing to a pickup team. Obviously you're spending way too much money on your kid's team and this loss to SYAG and help is really eating at you. Well don't worry, your son probably won't be playing lax too much longer.

Give me your address and I'll mail you a t-shirt.its obviously high on your priority list.

The sandbagging scum from Sachem (plus) have a bunch of shirts. That is just fantastic, now they can avoid a big buy at Goodwill