Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son plays for JS on 2025 Orange. I can't speak for anyone else, but my son is very happy. He has had other coaches in the past that he loved, but this time it is different. He loves and RESPECTS JS. He works harder in practice now more than ever. He listens intently in practice and works at home to improve his skills. My son recognizes that Coach JS is different. Call it talent, call it character or call it both. JS has been a dedicated coach and a great influence on my son in a short amount of time. We can only hope that he sticks with this team, but we'll take what we can get. I recognize the importance of a year. Thanks JS.

"Loves and respects"??? He's 8. Sounds like daddy has a crush on coach. Creepy.

So,true, sure the kid likes playing for the team but at 8 those are not your priorities. I know that creepy dad say his son knows JS is different. Different then what? Different then the crackpot dad he has. Different then his PAL coach? Different then Han Solo? I mean really, everything you wrote is BS.