Originally Posted by Anonymous
It will be interesting to see if SB and UNC programs hold to high standards with coaches consumed in USA. All relative of course that would be conference championships and elite eight to final four appearances. If history holds true we should see a drop as we saw with GTown and RF.

Stony Brook has never made the Final Four, not sure exactly how many times they have made elite eight and would not put winning The AE in the same category as winning The ACC.

Not sure what has gone wrong at Georgetown but I don’t think it has anything to do with the coach having been involved with US Team. Surprised he is still there.

North Carolina will not be affected at all, the school simply has too much to offer and is a very desirable destination for a very large percentage of high end players.

If SBU drops off at all the only reason would be if JS can not find talent interested in going to SBU which has never been the case.

I believe both programs will remain two of the top 10 overall programs.