Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You guys are really uninformed . Full athletic rides do happen , I can tell you UNC , USC , BC , all have players w 100 % cost of attendance scholarships and there are many other programs that have the same . How because these schools have many players that the school was an academic reach and have parents w money so they are willing to be happy with the help getting in .

The reality is that people (in the lacrosse world) never want to believe any player is better or more deserving than their daughter. So, if their daughter was offered 20% they do not want to believe that anyone is offered more than that. If a player is told that their daughter needs to have a 31 or better ACT to go to HYP they will never believe that another player might only need a 28 ACT. There is one joker that was posting on the boys side that actually believes that the boys going to The Academy's and The Ivy's all had the grades, he does not want to believe that the coaches can help all that much. Why? Because his kid probably had very good grades (not good enough to get into a top academic school on his own) but was not a high caliber lacrosse player (which the parent can't understand) so the coaches were not willing to help with admissions. Same goes for scholarships, every situation is different, not every player / recruit is equal, not everyone gets a trophy. I would never say never, "rare" is more likely. From what I have seen, most coaches will not decrease a scholarship but they will increase if they feel the player deserves it. The above poster is correct, for many in the lacrosse world the prize is getting their daughter into a prestigious school that she would not be able to get into on her own, It's not just The Ivy's, Obviously Duke, Stanford, Northwestern, Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, ND, Boston College... and don't forget about Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Penn State, Maryland.... It is not easy to get accepted to these State Schools from out of state. Not every kid has 95+ GPA, 30 SAT or 1300 SAT.... For many just getting in is great.

The real question is why do people care so much about what others are offered?

Agree. Also, there's a lack of appreciation in the comments for real financial need. It's not as if every lacrosse player has a wealthy family, despite the image of lacrosse. I know a number of players who have turned down spots at high rank schools because they were not the most coveted and therefore funded, and move onto a lower level team for more money. They end up being stars at their lower ranked schools too, where they were probably bench on top team.

Also, for those with a GAI of 150-180k. It can be better to take the financial aid than the scholarship. You can wind up getting 50% or more at Duke, Northwestern, Stanford. Coach will also throw in about 7% more

This is happening in the SEC too. Hoping that full amount that was referred to by Florida is beyond football! I think to give football players full amount, they will need to counterbalance with female athletes.