Originally Posted by Anonymous
SU looked awesome. They will be tough to beat.

On a side note. The biggest game of the year to date and this is the best US Lacrosse has to offer for refs. The SU v ND game was the worse ref and controlled game I have ever seen. I am shocked that a game they knew was going to tuned into they would let these rookies. US lacrosse continues to underwhelm me with their product. Sorry guys this has nothing to do with growth of game. At travel U 9 tourney I get it. Here no way. Based on all the youth watching last night HS and youth cross checking will be on the raise.

The flow of game was terrible based on all the brutal cross check to only disrupt play. Intentional.

I had to switch from the Men’s game last
Nighy to see some great hits in the women’s-lol.

They need to do better!!!!!

Does US Lacrosse have anything to do with the officials who are selected to work NCAA games? Not being cynical, I honestly do not know. I would think for in conference games "the conference" in this case the ACC would assign the officiating crew.