Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
“ I could be wrong but it appears that only the ACC is the only conference with multiple teams in the tournament that do not have conference opponents in the same bracket.”
What the what ? You are truly pathetic “everyone agrees that the ACC is a good conference” , you can’t even say the words that the ACC is the best conference for lacrosse in both men’s and women’s . You clowns keep bringing up previous years results from many years ago to try and make predictions about this years teams , it’s a ridiculously obtuse argument from if I were a betting man a ridiculously jealous parent who realizes his kids conference is essentially 13th grade.

I have not seen where anyone has made any predictions nor have I read any post claiming the ACC is not the best conference. The only thing that has been pointed out is that not all ACC Teams are created equal and that there have always been many teams that are able to complete with the ACC teams. You obviously believe that by being in The ACC your daughters team is better than all other teams. It has been pointed out that in normal years many teams beat ACC teams. If you can not understand that this year is not a normal year I don’t know what to tell you. At the end of the day the past year and a half will be a blip on the history of the sport and know for the Covid craziness.

Just when I thought you could not get anymore pathetic you prove me wrong. How sad that you are already trying to diminish the accomplishment of which ever team wins. In actuality winning the championship this season will be an even more difficult task than any prior season in my opinion. Dealing with Covid is hard enough and these young women have had to sacrifice more this year than any other and the fact that many of these teams are much deeper than previous years makes winning it this year an amazing accomplishment. You sadly keep bringing up that in the past ...blah blah, we are talking about this year. If you think 5-10 years from now when one of these players proudly tells their son or daughter that they were a member of the 2021 national championship team that their accomplishment should be diminished because of covid it says more about you than their accomplishment.
To change the subject lets see if anyone has some upset predictions for the weekend,

Wow, very sensitive. Nobody diminished anything. Pointing out that it is not normal is not diminishing... this year several teams that would normally play and many times beat ACC teams did not play them so it is not normal. Covid has had different affects on different teams, but they all deal with it.

You clearly were attempting to diminish whoever wins it this year and if you cannot see that my advice to the guy you are responding to would simply be let go of what you can't fix. My pick for an early upset would be Loyola over Cuse as I believe Cuse would be heavily favored at home against a team they dominated early in the season ,injuries to cuse and Loyola getting better thru out the season makes for an upset.

Disagree, nobody clearly diminished anyone except for the joker who believes every team/conference with the exception of the ACC is 13th grade. The reality is that in "Normal Years" it is only the top 2 ACC teams that dominate. In normal years there are a number of programs that compete with and beat ACC teams during the regular season as well as in the Tournament, they do not knock each other off.

Last edited by JesLax1; .