Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!!
learn how to read!

First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all!