Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous]Taz is on it's way to irrelevance like every other Legacy team. It's not the kids or the coaches, it's the club. As soon as they stopped being the undisputed #1 team they stop attracting talent because the club itself isn't a draw by itself. Express has the Catholic school hooks and 91 has the marketing. Legacy has none of that. Sorry, but it is all downhill from here.

Obviously the Legacy brand is a subpar brand in travel lacrosse. C’mon, they came to be, from a merger between Riptide and Havoc Dunedogs. They have a couple of decent teams, of which Taz is one. That’s it. On the landscape of significant travel clubs, they don’t exist. Not sure what will happen to Taz, but if my son were on the team, I would be

90% of them are 12, and have been for quite sometime. Alot of 2005 dob's on those teams.No Hate- just a fact! When you take athletic older boys hold them back in K for lacrosse and have them practice all the time,Yes the odds are quite good they will be a dominant team. WP TAZ and now Express in same conversation. The thing is, there are many really really good on age kids (2006's) that might not have gotten the nod in the past.Believe it or not 1yr still makes a big difference! Also i also know many quality kids that do NOT want to play on Taz,wp and express that could make those squads.
Yeah, makes a lot of sense. Most kids do not want to play at the top level. Most kids rather play with kids that can not catch and throw. I get you . Smart. Wish you were my kids coach. i was thinking of holding my new born back as well so he can grow up to be the greatest lacrosse player at age 11. Thanks for all those great words of Wisdom.

Are you really saying that the boys on the A or b teams cant catch and throw???You are clueless. go watch a game and try and take your eyes off your little Rabil for 1second you will see some quality players.Even if they are not on your sons team.

It all depends upon our frame of reference. In your case, you see that your little Johnny can finally catch a lacrosse ball. Compared to your frame of reference, I’m sure he appears to be a quality player. Compared to my frame of reference, he should try baseball. Understand?