Originally Posted by Anonymous

Let's give this a rest, I don't have anything positive or negative about JC..
Is he fair.. sometimes.
Is he tough on the players...sometimes
Is he ________ ... sometimes.
That's coaching, the only comment I have is that when he told me that "it was out of anyone's control" when asked about a specific player.
Is the action of the board just, that is what we need to find out. They (the board) should at least provide some details as to why so that, we as parents know why this is happening and stop assuming that other parents on the team are at fault. SYO parents are great at blaming and isolating other parents and players without knowing the entire background. SYO parents should band together in support of their players, each other and the coach and demand of the board more specifics of why this happened and not ASSume!
As for JL, he is a politician, he will lean towards what is the majority so that he can continue to be re-elected.

Good post, particularly about boy wonder on the board - full 180 from his position 3 years ago basically wanting to disband competitive sports. I think the BoE is in a tough situation, they know more then we ever will and because of privacy laws they can not tell us the "real" reason, just or unjust that led to their initial decision. People need to realize that lacrosse is a huge part of our and our kid's lives but a minor part of the school system and it has taken up a huge amount of time and resources the past three years. I hope everybody involved is worrying about all the kids best interest and not just their own.