Originally Posted by America's Game
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by The Hop
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Huntington coach today banned the players from talking to anyone after the games...how ridiculous is that? If I want to talk to my kid, I'll talk to my kid

Glad someone agrees with me! Too bad we are all afraid to speak about it with each other in person because of big bad Kathy.

Does anyone else at HHS share this posters opinions?

I have been watching the KW bashing and have to say something. My daughter is coached by 'big bad KW' and you know what, this is all a pack of lies. There is no bullying, yelling, intimidating etc. I WILL tell you what is happening. At every home game the daughter of the director of Elevate is there, sits with all of the Elevate parents and riles them up. Tells them how bad of a coach KW is, how their daughter deserves more playing time over the other girls, how she should be removed. THEN, she goes over and speak to the girls after the games and says the same thing to them. Along the lines of "you are only NOT playing because you are on Elevate, only the YJ girls play" (which is not true). Now all of these people are in a frenzy, start believing this nonsense and accusing KW (who is a great coach and a wonderful person) of this garbage. What's her motivation?? Apparently she wants a head coaching gig to legitimize Elevate (since they do not have any Varsity coaches) Her resume, she coaches PAL so of course she could do a better job!!!!

Then all of the Elevate parents come on here and vent, thinking there is a conspiracy. The only conspiracy, sad to say is that all of the people complaining got taken by this woman and her father (who I am sure is behind this) with cruel intentions. Honestly, you have to ask yourself, if your daughter isn't playing, there is a reason. They want to win, if she was good she would be in there.

I am sure not a slew of parents will tell me this isn't the case, but you would be lying. Anyone in the stands will tell you this is happening, and frankly, if you spoke to your daughters, instead of feeding them garbage about how bad their coach is, you would hear them tell you all of this nonsense about KW is a bunch of lies.

Oh, and my understanding is she does this at the CSH games as well, and we have all seen the bashing on this thread about her.
This has to be one of the worst cases of a 15 or 16 year old girl being called out on this thread! Does anyone not know who this poster is talking about? This "person" named the High School she plays for, and the fact that her father is the director of a major club and doesn't get edited? What is this poster a friend of the Hop, real selective enforcement on this one. Whay not just print her name?

From what I can read its Talking about a director and their adult child. So no individual players are getting bashed. If I am wrong I will edit those posts. Please message me if I am wrong.

Yes. I am talking about the older daughter, who is in her 20's