[quote=Anonymous]HHS, ESM,NP just to name a few kids are all bullied and parents sit helpless and watch!!!

All the kids are bullied at these schools? Come on. The amount of embellishing and exaggerating that gets written on these boards is quite comical. I assume this is written by adults, and you're going to make a general statement that all kids here are bullied and parents are helpless. I am in one of those towns and there is no bullying going on. What is going on is some kids are performing better than others which causes some changes in who is stepping on the field. So the parents of the children not playing cry corruption, bullying, etc. Easy to blame the coach then take a good hard look at what's going on. Would you be saying the same thing if your child was playing? Doubtful. I'm sorry it's not turning out for you the way you thought but I'm sure you can think of much more mature and adult ways to handle it.