Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You have a point that Rebel Kraken's record was comparable to Igloo and BTB Renegades and I would make that a 3-way tie. But none have wins of any kind over those above them on here. Towerman, although having significant losses earlier, did manage one big win against Next Level, so is a small step above at this point. These are just snapshots on what we hope is a long development process for all boys and teams. But it is good to give informed recognition where recognition is due.

Kraken played BTB 3 times this tournament season and have not lost to them. They also beat Igloo the one time that they played. They lost to Stealth Black Ops 11-10 in OT, Mad Lax Capital 5-4, Crabs 7-6 and most recently Sweet Lax upstate 5-3. The Rebels 33 National Team which is mostly Kraken players beat Orange Crush 2x. Last fall they beat Towermen 10-4. Kraken are 100% not top 5...yet, they have to close out games. Only team on that list that they have struggled with on multiple occasions is Nitro, who I'd definitely put in the top 5. The Kraken are a top 10, definitely, and most definitely above BTB, Towermen and Igloo who I'd leave off the list to be honest. The talent is really so deep at this level, it's been a pleasure to watch so many of these teams battle it out this spring and early summer!

I corrected my post in that there really isn't anything separating Rebel Kraken w Igloo and Orange Crush (and don't rank BTB at this point). Other teams have wins that Kraken doesn't have. All pretty even. Good losses are just better than bad losses and show that possibly, w more training and/or talent, they are striking range of expecting a win against the other teams. Fall is fun but doesn't count when it comes to complete teams during lax season and the point of the post is to recognize development. And Towermen have that big win (even if they probably couldn't have replicated it in the championship) that Kraken doesn't yet have.

Kraken and Sweetlax FL are without a doubt top 10 teams. Towermen(1 good win??) and Orange Crush should be off that list. Consideration should be given to Rebels Seahawks and ECE. BTB on cusp but has not even hung with proven ranked teams that they have played. Turtles are an A team and should not even be considered at this level of competition because they haven't played any of the teams listed (played 34's at LI LAX Fest).