At the Penguin Igloo tournament Kraken and BTB both beat Igloo. At Spring Jam Kraken and BTB again both beat Igloo. It’s pretty clear. Don’t even have to go common opponents but if so Tri Star kraken and BTB both played top teams (crabs, stealth to competitive games. 1 goal losses to Stealth and Crabs Igloo was blown out by that level of teams. Kraken head to head with BTB has beaten them so have them over.

Towerman same thing at Tristar they went 1-4 blown out by stealth and 91 and even lost to Express North who BTB beat. Towerman Only a 1 goal win over BBL. BTB and Kraken both smoked BBL and both teams made it to playoff bracket. Lost to Crabs and Stealth.

Orange Crush no top wins might even have Express North at 10 over them at 10.