Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sorry little late to the party - 8 kids left Igloo counting the 22’ kid that played down in the WSYL, 33% of the roster made a mass exodus or what some would call an escape..funny thing is the top offensive player can’t even crack the starting lineup as he’s still stuck behind the “elite” starters, he too should have made his escape to Express when he had the chance, as many others have

I guess we will all see this year if this is just going to be daddy ball and a summer extension of "Manasset PAL" or if the coaches will coach an elite team of players.

I would think that most of the players and parents, especially the new ones for this club and on any of other elite teams, would expect the team/program at this level to be coached, run and managed based on skill and players ability and not based on zip code and/or relationships.

If that's not the case, they should request a refund. I don't think anyone would go into that situation knowing or after being told they aren't going to get qualtiy playing time, not b.c of their skill and ability, but b.c they don't live in the correct town or the dad isn't a coach, after all, that is what PAL was for. And that not only is a reflection on the team and coaches, but for the program aps well, b.c without a dought, they know what is going on.

Remember they are all still kids and whether you are a coach, a parent or both, you are still shaping these athletes to be adults in the decisions that you make and the things that you do and say have lasting effects. Kids aren't notIntelligent. Think of it, if you were in their shoes, how would it make you feel in a game, atourney or at a practice. I won't even get started on the car rides home after.