Originally Posted by Anonymous
igloo was the biggest protester of legacy's guest playing 9th graders participating in the world series last year and this year igloo is doing the very same thing by bringing 6-8 players from the black ice team. total hypocrisy. it is unfortunate what happened to the black ice team last year. i guess the director and coaches thought if can't beat them, join them. conscience: do two wrongs make a right?

My initial post about this was neither a defense for nor an indictment of any specific program or team. I honestly don't care about Igloo, Legacy, Diamondbacks or whomever... Let's try, for once, not to waste our time determining who is the lowest of the low in the race to the bottom that youth lacrosse has become. I think that there is a basis for some actual discussion about this as opposed to the sad usual drivel we have to sift through here. "My errrrr my son's club team is better than yours", "Our kids are just older - stop your whining", "hold-backs are just somehow smarter and richer than all the rest"... Quack Quack - what a colossal waste of energy.

When people try so hard to diminish something it does make you wonder why? This tournament never claimed to unseat the self proclaimed "Top 2022" team as the best 2022 team in the country. It is a tournament that is exactly what it says it is - a tournament for highly skilled young players born on or after 9/1/2003 (who can and are willing to prove that about themselves). Yet the defenders of the grade based status quo try to tear it down - why? I like that someone, somewhere, with enough clout to pull this off has at least interjected the idea of "on age" competition mattering back into the discussion.

Rip me, rip it, I frankly couldn't care less - but there is no rational argument against age based youth competition that holds any merit (maybe the town rec - let them play with their classmates - and I mean maybe). The idea that kids, who love this game, are forever saddled with this silly, rigged system we currently endure is lazy and pathetic. But your welcome to it if that's the one you like - you have a lot of the cards at the moment. I'm sure there's a future generation of wealthy boys (that is my favorite argument against those opposed to hold backs that somehow we would all do it if only we had the resources) who will thank you for it at a victory pool party after their team of 15 year olds beats another team with 13 year olds on it. Nice job boys way to dig it out! If you think it doesn't matter have your current 2022 team play your current 2024 team and see how they do.