Originally Posted by Anonymous-14
We will see you next year. BBP Girls are VERY STRONG for at least the next 5 years.

And BBP doesn't cheat to win.

They don't use "code words" from the sideline like "trigger" to tell the girls to tighten their stick pockets because they don't have to because they don't play with illegal equipment. (oh btw, he admitted that, and apologized for it)

BBP coaches don't train player to grab their heads on any check, or take dives trying to sway the refs.

BBP coaches don't use their outside relationships to influence the way refs call the game. (count the calls in that game, see if that is a balanced game between two comparably experienced teams) BBP coaches don't pull the refs aside before a game to let them know what things should be called and how--and if they ever do speak to the refs, they invite the opposing coach over to listen as well.

BBP Alumni players don't stand on the sideline an yell disgusting obscenities at the opposing team players. BBP parents don't go up to the opposing team players after the game and say, "That's what we felt like two years ago"... an adult to a minor...

BBP doesn't cheat to win. They do not pervert and twist the intention of game to win. They play the game the way it was intended. If you are going to teach 14 to 17 year old girls to cheat to win, and find loopholes in rules to win, and use referees to gain an advantage, that does not make you a great coach, that is someone who should really consider stepping down as a coach/role model.

BBP had an excellent year, with excellent players who played together perfectly with a perfect season. And no one player outweighed the rest --- look at the stats. That team will always be a beautifully perfect team, who had a game taken from them by some who choose cheating as an acceptable way to win.

Is this from the BBP parent that had to be escorted by security out of the County Finals?